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Autumn-Stained Bonne Maman Jar

10 min
  • 1 tbsp. mod podge
  • 1 tsp. water
  • food coloring
  • clean, dry Bonne Maman jars
  • soft-bristle brush
  • dish for mixing and palette use
  • 1 ft. aluminum foil
  • popsicle sticks or wooden skewers
  1. Add Mod Podge and water to dish.
  2. Add food coloring (8-10 drops for vibrancy) and mix until uniform in color and texture.
  3. Apply thin layer of the mixture to the inside of your empty Bonne Maman Jar using a soft-bristled brush. If you plan on using the jar to hold liquid (for example, as a small vase) then apply the mixture to the outside only.

If you painted the inside of your jar, turn it right-side up after 2 hours. Depending on conditions, it can take 4-24 hours to fully set. If you painted the outside of the jar, invert it and set on popsicle sticks on sheet of aluminum foil, to drip dry.

  1. Tip: Even though it appears opaque, the Mod Podge will dry transparent so long as it is a thin, even coating. If you want a richer color, apply an additional thin coat 24 hours after the first.

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