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Red Fruit Chamoy


  • ● 2 Tbsp. Bonne Maman Red Fruit Spread
  • ● ½ Cup Dried Apricots
  • ● ¼ Cup Dried Prunes
  • ● ¼ Cup Dried Hibiscus Flowers
  • ● 4–5 Whole Dried Chiles de Árbol
  • ● 2 Cups Water
  • ● 2 Tbsp. Sugar
  • ● 2 tsp Tajín Seasoning
  • ● ½ tsp Salt
  • ● 3 Tbsp. Lime Juice from 1 Small Lime

Prep Time: 20 min

Yield: 2 cups of chamoy

Chamoy Directions:

Add all of the ingredients except the lime juice into a large saucepan. Bring to a boil, then reduce heat and simmer for 20 minutes, or until the ingredients soften.

Allow to cool, then transfer to a food processor or blender. Add the lime juice and process until

smooth. Thin with water as needed.

Enjoy over mango, pineapple, and jícama!

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